

Just a little reminder that we have moved. You can find the new Blog and it’s Makeover HERE!


Hope to see you there soon, don’t forget to subscribe to the new one by email or bloglovin to keep up to date with the posts!


On the Move!

I have an announcement, I hope you will share my excitement!

The blog is on the move.

I have loved being on a wordpress site, it has really helped me find my feet as a blogger, I have rediscovered a love of writing that I thought I had left behind in my teens and this is where I have learnt about widgets, templates, posting photos and memes, as well as all the other ‘blogging’ things I now know!

But, with all that said, it is time to move over to a brand new URL so please head over to http://www.writingsramblingsandreviews.co.uk to take a look at the brand new design.

Thank you for being so supportive of my blog and learning journey. I hope to still see you all on the other side.

Unfortunately during the move I have been unable to transfer all of you wonderful subscribers to the new page, so please do head over and re-subscribe to ensure you still get the emails/notifications you want!

Keep your eyes peeled, there is a competition coming on the new blog later today too


P.s Macro Mum is staying in the same place http://macromum.wordpress.com


In every child’s life there is a toy that becomes a friend and in our house that toy is Mette (although her name has been changed to Sally by Mouse).

Mette is a little scamp doll from Haba, a fully material doll with lovely colours, fun clothing and a wonderful air of quality. She is very well made and even after having been flung about and being cuddled to within an inch of her being, the seams are well and truly secure.  She is beautiful with a shock of orange hair (much to Monkey’s delight as it matches his) and is lovely and soft!

Mette has provided endless amount of fun and is great for inspiring imagination!

The best bit for Mummy is that she is also washable!

Mouse has danced, played, sang, cuddled and more with her new found friend and I think she will be a member of the family for a long time to come!!

Watch our review here:

Silent Sunday


Silent Sunday

silent sunday curtesy

Photo of the Week

IMAG0212A  picture this week taken on my phone! We celebrated my nephews 5th birthday and this guy was watching over us all whilst we were singing Happy Birthday!

Team Lloyd

Guess what I saw this weekend?  Something I have not seen for months, it was bright and warm and so beautiful! You guessed it, it was the sun!

I am sure you can all guess what sun means to Monkey and Mouse too, extra outdoor play! We have had some additions to the garden recently, so it was definitely time to hit the garden and have some fun!

They were in and out the play house, playing ball and in the sand pit. The Toadstool has sent us some sand toys from Haba to ‘Toad Test’, so this was the perfect opportunity!

Sand Toys HabaWe were sent some ‘food’ type toys and the kids couldn’t wait to get playing with them. We had a real meal to get through, Pizza, Chips and cakes, we even had a shaker for toppings!

The kids enjoyed it so, so much and mummy enjoyed her tray of sand cakes! They are all very easy to use, and made well, they are plastic but pretty. The only thing is if your sand is too wet and clumpy the shaker doesn’t work as well, but this hasn’t deterred the kids at all!

The toys have stayed out in the sand box for a few days and are still in perfect condition!

These are ideal toys for getting kids into the garden and they don’t break the bank either, they develop imagination, motor skills and interaction between family members! I have never seen this type of sand toy before, they are so unique and the kids are going mad for them – they want to know if we can get big cakes and sauce to finish of the meal!

Toys of sand

The Toadstool are running a competition to win £20.00 of fantastic Haba Summer toys so head over to the a Rafflecopter giveaway to enter!


Disclaimer: We were sent the sand toys by The Toadstool for the purpose of this review, we always remain honest.

A Review of Dr Duck

As you all know the kids love books, they are a major part of the bedtime routine, the chill out time and the ‘I don’t know what else to do’ time!

Dr Duck is a book full of delightful animals who are a bit poorly sick. Dr Duck comes to the rescue with his own touch of fixing things! It is really well written, the illustrations are fantastic and best of all it is hilarious!   This book has very quickly earned a spot as top book in our house! Both the Monkey and the Mouse are asking for this book over and over again!

dr duck 1

The storyline, the flow of the words and the smells are all awesome and we have all been entertained by it on several occasion, it gets the kids (and the grown ups) giggling every time!

I am certain Dr Duck will come out as soon as the kids uncle comes over this weekend, they will no doubt want to share the Gorillas troubles and I know Uncle N will love it too!dr duck 2

It has made us all laugh a lot, and we are sure it will remain a firm favourite for quite a while!  Dr Duck really is the best doctor ever and I think he could make anyone smile!

A perfect book for a poorly child, a birthday or a Daddy!

Disclaimer: We were sent this book by Little Tiger Press for the purpose of a review, our review however remains honest!

Save the Penguins!

There is nothing like a bit of junk modelling on the weekend to enjoy the time with the Monkey and the Mouse! We were looking to find inspiration and found it from The Toadstool Blog with their talk of saving the penguins and Earthday ( #EarthDayatWW )!

So we headed for our craft box and a pile of junk and had some fun! PenguinJunk

So we took some boxes, plastic cups, paper plate, lids, egg boxes, yoghurt boxes, packaging and more and we let loose! Wrapping lids in tissue paper, gluing lids, cutting shapes, colouring plates, giggling away!

The Monkey got so  creative, topping his original idea with a better one and the Mouse smiled the whole way through as her idea developed!  We did one project as a family and then each of the kids made their own mini project! PenguinJunk2

Although all the projects were the same thing, they came out very different. Three beaks all made differently, one a plastic cup wrapped in orange tissue paper, one; half a paper plate coloured in and one; a yoghurt pot stuffed with orange tissue! The mini projects are the best because they really show the kids imagination, every aspect of them was decided and done by them. Monkey was very keen on a heart shaped tummy and big eyes, Mouse loves stickers and included them too!

The finally mission was to give the penguins a home, so please meet Henry (Centre), Dora (Left) and Jack!PenguinJunk3

Three penguins who live on some rocks (wearing hats) in the sea in a house in the Midlands, in the UK! I actually think they might have moved in forever, so what do you feed cardboard penguins?


Photo of the Week!

IMG_20130419_184934It may have been someones birthday this weekend, someone who doesn’t like big fusses or even really acknowledging that it is happening! But on this particular birthday this year, someone may have had an awesome time, may have even enjoyed it! (Don’t worry there will be a bigger blog post about the awesomeness!). Just thought I would share a little taster, well actually a big tasty ‘oh my word, I want it again’ taster of the day!

Team Lloyd