
Posts Tagged ‘Postcards & Rock’

Dear All

I haven’t been near our bookshelf for a while, don’t really get chance to read that much now, I used to love settling down in a bath with a book, could stay there and read chapter after chapter, topping up the water, getting wrinkly – of course, that was BC (before children).

So the bookshelf is full of dusty books, some kept for sentimental reasons, some because they were so good, I have kept them because ‘one day I want to read them again’ and several are unread, waiting for me to be able to sit down and melt away into their world of words!

I do still get to read, but the books I get to read are full of talking animals, peek a boo and bright colourful pictures – don’t get me wrong at all, I love Kids books, I love that anything can happen and the excitement on my children’s faces when we read!

Love Writings, Ramblings and Reviews

Rock: Need more time!

This is a post for the Kidstravel2 blog hop ‘Postcards and Rock

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Dear All

Take Two sets of gooey eyes, one ear infection, one two-day migraine, one sore-throat, one growing tooth, one headache, four lots of tiredness and Labyrithitis. Throw in some dizziness, sickness, snottiness and medication, mix all together and you have half term!

Love Writings, Ramblings and Reviews

My Rock: Get Well Soon

This is a post for the Postcards and Rock blog hop run by Kids Travel 2

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A post for Postcards and Rock across on the Kids Travel 2 Blog

Dear All

The pre-school run in our house, goes one of two ways. It is either a fun filed, chatting, running, sword fighting and singing ten minute walk or it is a mad rush, forget your phone, hat on sidways, hurrying, two minute drive!

Obviously we aim for the first type but more often than not due to naps, lunch and Mummy not clock watching it is the second one!

I don’t like the pre-school run, but I do like the kisses and the I love you signs I get when I drop Legs off!

Love MoolBoots

Rock: Fun, not Rush!

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This post is part of ‘Postcards & Rock‘ over on the KidsTravel2 Blog

Dear All

I am the Garden of MoolBoots and I am neglected. Yes ok, my people do now and again mow the lawn or trim back the hedges, but they don’t really care about me, just do what they have to, to get by.

They say I am not an appropriate area for the children, that I don’t deserve the garden benches and pretty flowers I have heard other gardens have.

It’s true I have too many bushes and trees that were planted by previous tenants, that the steps are crooked and I am mis-shaped, but I still have feelings, I still want to be used!

Love from MoolBoots’ Garden

The Rock: No Green Fingers

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